What is it used for?

The Walled Garden panel allows the platform administrator to create and define a list of URLs to which the user can access without performing the authentication process required to access the Internet. The contents of the Walled Garden will be accessible to users through the display and use of the Guest Portal, that they will be automatically shown when opening a browser on their device. 

N.B. The addition of an URL on the Walled Garden ensures that only the contents of that URL are accessible without authentication. If the URL entered in the list includes content embedded from other sites (therefore from other URL), it will not be shown. To overcome the problem and make sure that also its additional contents are entered in the Walled Garden and properly displayed, just make use of the configuration page of the "White List" (accessible from the "Settings"> "Networking"> "White List" menu).

List of Websites in Walled Garden

Columns of the Walled Garden Chart
The columns of the Walled Garden chart describe the parameters related to the URL, which are added to the list by the administrator. The described parameters are:
  • ID: indicates the order in which the sites in the walled garden are listed to the users. When you add a new element, this is placed first on the list shown to the users. The rows, in their default view, are then ordered from the newest to oldest entry.
  • Site Name: displays the name that the administrator assigned to the URL entered at the time of creation. Please note that the name assigned at the time of creation is the same as it is seen by the Guest Portal users.
  • URL: indicates the address of the site entered in the Walled Garden.
  • Status: shows the URL status entered at the time of consultation. It is divided into "Active" and "Waiting for provisioning". When the status is "Active", the URL has already been stored by the Gateway among those to be visible without authentication. When the status is "Waiting provisioning", the URL must still be stored by the Gateway (for this operation, the waiting time varies from a few minutes to a few hours).

  • Tools: contains buttons the administrator needs to operate on a specific URL. The available actions are two, that is the modification of the parameters of the URL entered and the deletion of the URL from the list.


The tools of the Walled Garden chart allow the administrator to edit or delete an URL among those already added to the list. Specifically:
  • Edit: clicking the edit button will display an edit form of the parameters assigned to the URL. It will therefore be possible to modify or correct the name and address of the selected content.
  • Delete URL: the delete URL button allows the administrator to delete a chosen URL. Upon clicking, a confirmation message appears asking you to confirm the deletion. By clicking the "Delete" button, the row is permanently deleted.

How to enter a new URL in the Walled Garden

This function allows the administrator to enter a single URL in the content list that users can access without authentication. To access it, click "Walled Garden" on the left side menu of the system and, on the next screen, click the top right button "New URL Walled Garden". You will see a short form for entering the parameters of the URL that you want to add to the list. To proceed, fill in the fields displayed, that is:
  • Name: type a name to associate with the URL to be added. Please note that the name assigned at the time of creation is the same as it is seen by the Guest Portal users, in the widget related to the list of sites in the Walled Garden.
  • URL: write the full address to which you can reach the selected content. Please note that the URL must be added by inserting the prefix "http://" (or "https://" for the sites that request it) to the chosen content address.
After completing the form, click "Save" button. You will see a confirmation message, requesting to wait for provisioning, while the chosen URL will appear among those on the list with the status description on "Waiting provisioning". After the storing by the gateway, the URL will be displayed with the status description on "Active". Only at that time it will be shown to the users in the widget related to the Walled Garden, on the Guest Portal.