What is it used for?

 The "Social" sub-panel shows the usage statistics of the platform relative to the metrics relating to the social networks and data obtained from them, divided into five specific modules: 

  • Users gender per day.
  • Unique users per age group.
  • Gender Distribution.
  • Age Group.
  • New Users

 By clicking the date field in the upper right panel, you can select a date range for which to get the statistics. Some preset periods (Yesterday, 7 days, 30 days, current month, last month, current year, last year) to choose from are shown in a drop-down menu or customizable fields, in which you can indicate the start date and end date of the period you deem interesting. Once you select the date range, simply click the "Apply" button to obtain the required information. 

N.B. All the statistics are printable and downloadable on any device. To do this, click the icon in the upper right of the modules and select the desired mode: print chart or download it in several formats to choose from (PNG, JPEG, PDF, SVG vector).


Page Items

Users Gender per day
 The section contains a histogram illustrating some statistics regarding the access made through Social Network. In particular, the chart reports and displays the numerical values regarding users gender who have used this account distribution mode, in the selected date range: 
  • Men: indicates the total number of males who have accessed through social networks.
  • Women: indicates the total number of females who have accessed through social networks.
 This module is directly connected with the "Gender Incidence" module, placed lower down, in which it is shown, with a pie chart, the incidence of each item on the total number of users who have logged in during the referred period.

Unique users per age group
 The section contains a histogram illustrating some statistics regarding the access made through Social Network. In particular, the chart reports and displays the values relating to the number of users who have used this account distribution mode in the selected date range, divided by age group: 
  • 13-17: shows the total number of people under 17 years of age who have logged on through social networks along the period.
  • 18-24: shows the total number of people aged between 18 and 24 years of age who have logged on through social networks along the period.
  • 25-34: shows the total number of people aged between 25 and 34 years of age who have logged on through social networks along the period.
  • 35-44: shows the total number of people aged between 35 and 44 years of age who have logged on through social networks along the period.
  • 45-54: shows the total number of people aged between 45 and 54 years of age who have logged on through social networks along the period.
  • 55+: shows the total number of people aged 55 or older, who have logged on through social networks in the period.
 The same data is reported in the "Age Incidence" section, placed lower down, in which it is shown, with a pie chart, the incidence of each item on the total number of users who have logged on along the period referred.

Gender Distribution
 The section contains a pie chart illustrating statistics regarding the access made through Social Network. In particular, the chart shows the incidence of the user gender on the total number of those who have accessed along the period referred. 
  • Men: indicates the share of the total number of males who have logged on through social networks.
  • Women: indicates the share of the total number of females who have logged on through social networks.

Age Group
 The section contains a pie chart illustrating statistics regarding the access made through Social Network. In particular, the chart displays the age incidence of the users on the total number of those who have used this account distribution mode, in the selected date range: 
  • 13-17: shows the percentage of people under 17 years of age who have logged on through social networks along the period.
  • 18-24: shows the percentage of people aged between 18 and 24 years of age who have logged on through social networks along the period.
  • 25-34: shows the percentage of people aged between 25 and 34 years of age who have logged on through social networks along the period.
  • 35-44: shows the percentage of people aged between 35 and 44 years of age who have logged on through social networks along the period.
  • 45-54: shows the percentage of people aged between 45 and 54 years of age who have logged on through social networks along the period.
  • 55+: shows the percentage of people who are 55 or older, who have logged on through social networks along the period.

New users
 The section contains a histogram showing some statistics about the number of users who have logged on via Social Network within the location, in the selected date range: 
  • New users: indicates the number of users who have connected for the first time ever in the location logging on through social networks. Any second accesses are not counted.