What is it used for?

The Dashboard is a general control panel of the system. It allows to browse quickly and in one screen the operating status of the platform and its use in real time.

Dashboard Modules

The Dashboard is composed of several modules, having different features:
  • Gateway Status: indicates in real-time the status of alignment of the Gateway at the time of consultation.
  • Latest accounts: this module shows in graphic form the total number of accounts created on the system, in the course of seven days.
  • Connected users: indicates, in real time, the number of users connected through the system.
  • Latest Network Traffic: the chart shows the total outgoing (Upload) and incoming (Download) traffic generated by the users during the previous seven days at the time of consultation.
  • Account distribution: this module displays a pie chart showing the impact of each distribution mode on total accounts created during the previous seven days at the time of consultation.
  • Latest news: service messages about the platform are displayed. Messages are automatically sorted from newest to oldest and may contain communications relating to the operation of the system or useful information sent by the software manufacturer.
  • Account limit: in this module it is shown the percentage value of the account use, in relation to the maximum number of active accounts allowed by the tariff plan chosen by the leasing.